Monday, March 3, 2008

God's Grace

God is so amazing. I find myself searching and longing for him more and more everyday. Life is practically impossible to go through without the Lord by your side. Some people say that they are Christians but they don't really have a relationship with God, it is just something that they do or have always done. In my opinion, to have a relationship with him you must constantly be wanting to search and discover all that is our amazing Lord. This is a quote from a song that I love and it really helps put things into perspective of just how amazing the thought of God is, we can't even grasp it.
Is your god really God?
Is my god really God?
I think our god isn't God,
If he fits inside our heads!
-As Cities Burn-

And to be honest, i was in that boat with many others. It wasn't until about a year ago that I actually started practicing and searching in my faith, and actually trying to understand and learn the word of God. I saw what i was missing in my life through some of my very close friends and it made me want so much more out of my life. It made me want to have a relationship with my Creator. It is so amazing how wonderful the Lord can and will make you feel if you just let him.

But by the grace of God I am what I am,
and his grace toward me was nor in vain.
On the contrary,
I worked harder than any of them,
though it was not I,
but the grace of God that is with me.
-I Corinthians 15:10-

1 comment:

EJW said...

i think this is a beautiful sentiment.
you should blog more, i didn't even know you had one of these :).
we should talk some time about your spiritual thoughts. i love deep spiritual conversation.
--erin warde.