Monday, June 2, 2008

"conformist or not?"

i am currently reading Stephen Christian's book, "The Orphaned Anythings". and in it a good point was brought to my attention! why is it that we are conformists? do we do the things that we do so we can be socially acceptable? i know part (yes part, not all) of our reasoning for our meaningless hobbies and possessions is out of self-fulfillment and not for others! but really, the truth is, none of our possessions or passions matter one bit when put to the test of GOD! so why do we care so much about how we look, what we do, who we are with, and the latest technology! i am definitely guilty just like everyone, but why do we place the meaningless as such a high priority in our lives?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i'm totally blog stalking you because we haven't met. ran across your blog through tonight we ride (i'm with triathablog and was at the downtown hoedown).

anyway - having hobbies and possestions isn't necessarily meaningless. i think that god has given us things to enjoy and be passionate about, and that is a beautiful thing. you love fixed gear bikes, and that puts you around a group of people that many christians don't get the opportunity to spend time with. if your bike (or whatever else) is the most important thing in your life, then you might have a problem. but enjoying the things that god has made you good at is a gift.

not sure why i felt the need to say that.